Well... It's about that time again... The time when the hubby is nowhere to be found and when found is slightly ornery. When the house looks like a tornado struck... and Ashtyn and I are Jonny deprived.
I hate this week with a passion! And more specifically, now that we have a sweet baby.
I went back to my job I had before the babe came because they were short handed and for some reason they think I'm awesome and not incredible annoying. So now we have lots of help with baby. (I miss her like crazy!)
Lets just say work and being a mom and cleaning the house and trying to sleep and trying to move is....
Horrible? (The packing part)
Why yes it is all of the above!
We've been blessed enough to have such great landlords and a cute little apartment that suits the two of our needs quite well. But due to the recent (four months ago) changes we've had to... upgrade?
Our sweet little angel has decided that she loves to yell-talk. Yes, I meant what I typed. She doesn't talk softly or "cue", she likes to yell and sing to herself WHILE dad is on the phone working. (He's an at home working husband.)
We are pretty excited to move because our little apartment is getting quite cramped. Our living room is also Ashtyn's "closet", Jonny's work area and our storage room. I will spare you all the gruesome details of what our sweet home looks like at this moment.
Hopefully one of these days I will post pics of our cute "First Apartment".

This is about what we want to do right now in our house. :)