Friday, July 19, 2013

Babies, Babies, BABIES

I have a serious problem. I think it all started when I got married. I would see all these super cute babies at the mall, at the grocery store, at school, at church, at... ok you get the point. 
I kept telling the hub that we should have one. And his forever no changing answer was... surprisingly NO. 
Two months after we got married, I had just gotten back from a trip to Las Vegas. The entire time I was down there I was sick as a dog, (has anyone ever really thought that phrase out, it makes no sense) and just thought I was super carsick. 
Surprise! It was not car sickness but actually a little bean growing in my belly.
To make 9 months into a short story. 8 1/2 months later our sweet little Ashtyn graced us with her presence.
Now fast forward 7 months to present time. My little Ashtyn is not little anymore. She sits up and rolls everywhere and has two little teeth that she likes to use alot. Now I realize to some reading that she may still seem little because she can't walk or talk or even eat on her own. But my "baby" is no more. She is a mini human as we like to call her. A little being with an amazingly happy demeanor. 
Every time I see a newborn my whole body aches to be pregnant again. Why? I have no clue. I did not enjoy being pregnant the first time. 
I can't help it. 
Maybe it's the snuggly, cuddly phase babies go through when their tiny...
Or the fact that their clothes are doll size...
Or maybe it's that they sleep all the time...
I don't know, all I know is I want one bad! 
Is there a cure? 
Let me be around a newborn for a couple hours and it cures me right up! My brain lies to me and tells me how fun Ashtyn was as a newborn. Once I'm around the newborn phase again, I come back to the reality of how it really was.
No sleep
Lots of crying (from both Ashtyn and I)
Poop everywhere
Feeding schedules... nonexistent
Newborns are fun don't get me wrong. But then I remember that Ashtyn is growing and instead of being stuck in this never ending state of sleep, poop, eat, sleep. I get to see her grow and change and learn. 
I still feel that little ache whenever I see a newborn but the more I'm around it, the more I realize how lucky I am to get to enjoy watching my little human grow.
 It's definately not easy, especially when she throws temper tantrums or spits all her food out, but after we laugh and cuddle and play, it erases all the hard learning experiences we've had to go through together.
Mothers/Aunts/Grandma's never said it would be easy, but it is most definitely worth it.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way sometimes! It's not necessarily that I want ANOTHER baby, it's that I want my newborn back! But I love my little 6-month-old explorer.... so I want them both at the same time. But not at the same time? It's a strange feeling.

    I think we'll be feeling this way their whole lives.
