Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Today is Tuesday, Not Wednesday

Have you ever thought that a day was another day when actually it wasn't and then find out in the middle of the day after saying happy "hump" day all morning? Well this girl sure did. For some reason my brain wanted today to be Wednesday... No idea why, wednesday isn't really any different than tuesday... Maybe it was the fact that I don't work on Wednesday's but then again I was at work all day so I don't know why I thought it was Wednesday. 
I was informed of it being wednesday after one of my oh so favorite managers Scott (in LA) said I ruined his day. You see, Scott is quitting because he decided that going back to school was WAY cooler than working for our awesome company. LAME! (The U is way cooler than BYU) After finding out he was quitting about a month ago I have been giving him a hard time about how many days he has left. 

So here is how our conversation went today...

Scott: Well hello Madison..
Me: Hello Scott! Guess WHAT!?!?!?
Scott: What?
Me: Today is your last day of work! YAHOO! (seriously, I shouted through the phone.)
Scott: ...
Me: Aren't you excited!! No more CertiFit for you
Scott: Madison, tomorrow is my last day of work...
Me: I thought your last day was Wednesday

(Awkward 10 minute long silence... ok really only 10 seconds, if that.)

Scott: Madison, today is Tuesday...
Me: (silently crying to myself) OH....
Scott: Way to ruin my day

And that is how I found out today was Tuesday instead of Wednesday. 
On a slightly better note, I got to hang out with one of my super awesome, super good looking cousins/best friends Miss Courtney. Man I sure love this girl. We used to be awesome roommates and she'll probably saying it was a little more trying on her part, (i have a huge issue with doing dishes.) But it was definitely a blessing for me! :) LOVE YOU LADY!!!!

Isn't she gorgeous!?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

As of Lately...

Well hello there again blogging world... I'm about as good at blogging as I am at Journal writing, (that even includes Ashtyn's.) We really haven't been that much busier just being a little more lazy. 

Jonny's shenanigans include:
  • Working his new awesome/not so awesome shifts for apple. He now works from 6 am to 3 pm. We can't decide if this is good or bad thing yet. Good because he gets ton earlier which means pool or date time. Bad because he's quite onery now and doesn't like movie nights anymore. BUMMER.
  • Taking a class a SLCC. Jonny just switched his major again for the LAST time. He now wants to major in chemical engineering. We're pretty excited that he is stuck on one thing now and hopefully will not being changing anytime soon. He thinks it's fun to be freshman all over again, I however do not.
  • Golf... Golf... and more Golf! He loves golfing. He loves watching golf. He loves going to golf stores. He just loves it period. His wonderfully, amazing, awesome brother (cue drips of sarcasm ;) just kidding sheven,) got him into this fun sport. So that takes up lots of his time, but don't worry Ashtyn and him have lots of fun golf dates. :) He says he's just trying to start her young... right...
  • And of course being the most amazing dad ever. I didn't know if was possible to fall more in love with my sweetheart.. but once we had Ashtyn, I was so blessed to see a totally different side of him. Ashtyn is already a daddy's girl which is bittersweet. (I keep telling myself that she will love me more. :) )

Madison's shenanigans include:
  • WORKING! I just started part time which is both amazing and not so much. We got really lucky because I go part time with another girl who is awesome! (shout out to miss kels here.) (Also shout out to our no longer managers Brad and Derek and to our almost gone manager Scott.) Work is fun, I talk on the phone all day so I can't really complain.
  • School? I'm currently taking two classes this semester. Religious Diversity and ZUMBA. Man I love me some Zumba. I have never sweat so hard in my life until that first day. It also helps that our Zumba teacher is seriously the bomb. She can dance for like 45 minutes straight and pumps everyone else up on top of that. I can barely breathe while dancing and poor souls who eyes have to see this girl shake her white girl booty.
  • Being a full time mother/wife. Ashtyn is definitely keeping me on my toes. We are in the process of learning what kinds of foods she does and doesn't like. She spits it out if she doesn't. And who knew that keeping a house clean with only a husband and child could be so often and time consuming. I now know I have turned into my mother because as soon as something is done being in use I scramble to put it away right then and there. (This has started to drive the hubs a little crazy.)

Ashtyn's shenanigans include:
-Sitting Up
-Rolling Over
-Sleeping all night
-Blowing spit bubbles
-Talking ALOT
Pretty much being a six month old. Man the time has flown by! I miss my little newborn but am excited to see her grow and be the adorable young woman she is going to be. She has got the cutest little personality and loves being the center of attention. It's not just one persons' attention she wants, it's everyone in the rooms' attention. Good luck me!

Ashtyn at the pool! :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

New Apartment

Well as you all know we recently moved into our spacious new apartment and so far we love it!!! :) Here is a little tour of our fun little home :)
Living Room/Kitchen

Ashtyn's room (work in progress)


Master bedroom (also work in progress)

Hallway (space where I can now put pictures up)

Ashtyn's Bathroom

Laundry Room (sad that this is my favorite room)

Master Bathroom

Living Room

Walk in Closet (2nd favorite part of this apartment)
Please don't mind the mess... my house usually looks a lot better. I guess this is what happens when you go to school, work part time and are a mom full time! :)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

When little Aeryn became big Aeryn :)

This post is dedicated to my wonderfully amazing sister-in-law Aeryn, who is probably one of the most talented, accepting, beautiful people I know. Our sweet "little" Aeryn graduated from high school last week. We are not only excited, happy and thrilled that she did it but we are also a little sad because now the baby as graduated and she will be leaving us for bigger and better things. 

Just a walk to memory lane to explain the great and awesome Aeryn.

Jonny and I decided to do the whole "meet the parents" thing TWO WEEKS after we started dating. Usually people have time to work up the courage to do this and make sure the relationship is worth that awkward stage. I however did not because two weeks after we started dating it was the sweethearts birthday. All driving up to Orem, I was going crazy. I was nervous, sweating, freaking out. I kept telling Jonny that this was a bad idea, but he wouldn't listen and just kept "reassuring." Once we got there I sat in the car for a minute trying to decide if I wanted to awkwardly hug his family or awkwardly stand there and look at his family. Luckily I didn't have to decide because right as we walked in, Aeryn came running down the stairs and body slammed me with a hug. 

Ever since then we have been pretty close. I didn't grow up with sisters but I feel blessed that I got the ones I did when I married Jonny.

Aeryn is truly like the sister I didn't have growing up. We get annoyed with each other, we argue a little, I tell her what she should do and she tells me when I'm being overbearing. But most of all we love each other. She is the girl I go to when I need advice or just need someone to talk to. She is the girl I go to when I have to go meet new people because I know she is going to get along with everyone. She is the girl that when I'm at my lowest, makes me feel better and then offers to rub my feet. (which for those of you who know me, know this is probably my favorite thing EVER.) 

Aeryn you are amazing in everyway possible. Thank you for being one of the best friends I've ever had. We are SOOO proud of you and everything you have accomplished this last year. (your wonderful internship at the hospital.) 

Beautiful sisters, Aeryn (in yellow) and Torie (in red)