I swear one day this blog with actually turn into a weekly ritual? (kinda like that random journal thing I tried over fifty times in high school, seriously though I have a box of journals with less than 10 pages in them filled up.)
It's not that I can't remember to blog it's that I sometimes feel like I have nothing to say because lets be honest no one wants to read the SAME daily rituals day in and day out.
Monday: Ashtyn pooped on me
Tuesday: Ashtyn threw her food at me
Wednesday: Ashtyn and I went to the park
Thursday: Ashtyn pooped on me
Friday: Ashtyn threw more food at me
Saturday: Ashtyn and I went to the park
Ya get what I'm saying? Not that having a one year old isn't an adventure.
Lot's has happened lately though and I guess I could just fill ya in with a quick recap! Ready? GO!
-Finished fall semester with his lowest final grade being a B. He was pretty upset about that for oh about half a second before I lovingly popped him.
-Job contract with apple ended so we have been on the job hunt for a couple weeks now (thank you parents for teaching us the concept of saving money!)
-Got best husband of the year award for getting me a bed frame for christmas! Ya I will definitely keep him.
-Started another semester after only a two week break which was definitely not long enough.
-Has been keeping up on his sports, ok mostly his Jazz
-Finding any excuse to keep the wifey on my toes by coming up with new "tricks" with Ashtyn
-Being in the Elder's Quorum Presidency!
-Finished fall semester with my FIRST 4.0 ever IN MY LIFE! Ya, ya it only took 8 years of schooling to accomplish this.
-Started another semester of school with only one class once a week called INTERIOR DESIGN! So excited!
-Got called as the primary chorister. First sunday left crying, it was kind of traumatic, we're still working at though.
-Promotion at work! I am now the Customer Service Rep/Receptionist/Errand Person/Whatever else is needed person
-Said her first word besides the "mama", "dada" phase which was duck!
-Gives wet slobbery kisses now but it's so adorable and irresistible
-Went sledding for the first time and hated it!
-Turned one! Lots of presents, cake, balloons and people. (mom and dad invited only 55 people)
-Got s-p-o-i-l-e-d at christmas and didn't know what to play with first
-Met santa and totally freaked
When Jonny and I got married we decided to make sure we came up with family traditions, one of which is new year's resolutions. Jonny takes these pretty seriously so we go over them once a week, so we can keep up on them. And due to the fact that I'm a serious list maker, we have them taped to our fridge, on our iPad, and now on the blog.
My new years goals are:
1. Learn to cook and make family dinner once a week.
2. Blog once a week. (got the idea from this lovely lady)
3. Write in Ashtyn's Journal once a week.
4. Get back in shape.
5. ETC
You get the point? Well now that we're updated hopefully we'll be back soon!
Happy (late) New Year Everyone!
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