Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The School House

I love school! I love being busy, I love having homework, and I love that weird new textbook smell, call me a nerd but it's true. The one and ONLY thing I hate about school is that "know it all", "thinks their funny", "I'm going to be loud as to attract the opposite sex" person. Every semester without fail there has been at least one in my classes. This semester is obviously no exception. Also side note SLCC  Library Square campus SUCKS.
So back to that "know it all" child who attends school with me... I walk into class and because I'm so nerdy I usually end up being the first one in class.As the class begins to fill up I realize there is all kinds of different people. (seriously SLCC is DIVERSE to say the least.) About ten minutes after my teacher has started his lecture, this lerpy fellow waltz's in and this the conversation that follows:

Him: Hey is this English 2010?
Teacher: Yes and your name is?
Him: Well you see, i'm actually in your 8:30 class Mon-Fri so you should know who I am...
Teacher: Well I am teaching four classes right now and since it IS the first day of classes, I'm gonna need to know your name
Him: Ya so I don't think i'm going to be able to take your 8:30 class anymore because my girlfriend is a stripper and she has the car most nights because she gets off super early in the morning, if you know what I mean, is there another class that I could take with you instead or how can we work this out..


So pretty much our teacher continues on with his lecture at this point because lerpy fella is not going to shut up. Ten minutes after that our teacher starts talking about our papers and how we don't want to hurt anyone is our classes feelings and lerpy guy interjects with this great saying:

Him: So what your saying is that if someone tells me my paper is bad that I could like fight them or something...

Guys I'm not making this up this kid was PSYCHO! 

Him continued: Because I was picked on in elementary school because I couldn't write very well and my teacher back then said that you should always stick up for yourself and that you can do that by any means necessary!

Our entire class was speechless at this point and the teacher said:

Teacher: Well... I'm done for today so I will see you all on monday... Except for you! (finger pointed at the lerpy kid.)

Every class has that "know it all" person but I'm pretty sure this kid is at the top of being the weirdest and craziest dude I have ever taken a class with..
Well that's all for now!
Happy Fall Semester Everyone :P

Saturday, August 10, 2013

So I haven't posted for a while...

I swear, once one has a child time just flies by. The hubs and I are trying to keep up with school, work, finals, and of course Ashtonian. She is a HANDFUL to say the least. The last couple of weeks have also been so busy. Every saturday (our only day off) has been taken up by family reunions or weddings. :)

Erickson Family Reunion!
This one was a blast! Jonny's mom has 7 brothers and sisters who are all spread out over the country and even into Canada. 6 of the 8 families were there and it was so fun. We learned new words from the siblings in Canada like; Eh, Ba-ag, and Bat-tree. My father-in-law even decided to start a water fight. Super fun! There was good food and some awesome volleyball skills (there will be no pictures of this due to the fact that I'm insanely good and do not want to make anyone jealous ;) ). Our family wore matching shirts that showed are nerdy side and had Dr. Who pictures. We ended the day with a good ol trip to cherry hill and some canadian chocolate, YUM!

Sandin Family Reunion!
I've been pretty lucky to be super close with this side of our family all growing up so there wasn't really anyone new to meet besides the millions of babies that were there. Seriously the children under 5 out numbered everyone else at least 5 to 1. There was volleyball and kickball, food and bouncy houses. We even had a silent auction that my mom made me in charge of the night before. THANKS MOM! Were hicks so we also had fun photo booths and a pony ride for the "kids." 

This girl and her cute man got married today!!! :) We were lucky enough to get invited to the temple ceremony and the reception and they were both amazing and a little tear jerker-y. They are so in love and are so meant for each other. Love you guys!!! :)

Well that about catches us up on a life of lately. Happy weekend everyone!